Thursday, May 16, 2019

Sociological Review Of Child Prostitution Research Paper

Sociological suss out Of Child Prostitution - Research Paper ExampleProstitution is a favorable evil and no country seems to be free of it, irrespective of the economic advancements or the high levels of standard of living. Child harlotry is referred as forcing shaverren to eng years in sexual activities for money. In most of the countries people below the age of 18 is referred as tiddlerren and the prostitution occurs in this age category is labeled as child prostitution. Various reasons cited for the reasons for change magnitude number of child prostitution by sociologists. Poverty, lack of knowledge, changing life styles and perceptions about life etc ar the major reasons for child prostitution. This paper analyses child prostitution on a sociological perspective. Poverty seems to be the major reason behind child prostitution. It is evident from the fact that in third conception countries, child prostitution is more than that in developing or developed countries. Majority of children in third world countries (mostly Asian countries) are recruited into prostitution through forced abduction, pressure from parents, or through deceptive agreements amongst parents and traffickers (Child prostitution). Children during their younger age may non have much knowledge about the consequences of prostitution. They do not know much about how prostitution affects their future life. They dont have the ability to segregate between the goods and evils and antisocial elements exploit the weaknesses of children. Children at their adolescent age would be hyperactive sexually because of the growth of sex hormones. The encouragement of parents and other antisocial elements force them to perceive prostitution as a linguistic rule act rather than a sin or unacceptable social behavior. Certain children have very(prenominal) different understandings of prostitution to those campaigning to end the practice. They do not see prostitution as a form of work or necessarily as a form of abuse. Instead they claim it as a way of fulfilling perceived social and moral obligations to their families (Montgomery). Child sexual abuse often negatively affects long-term psychological and social well being, although more than half of all sexual abuse survivors do not suffer the most extreme forms of psychiatric trauma (Child prostitution). Only after becoming the adults, children leave come to know more about the consequences of their action. The sexual abuse at a younger age will definitely generate dissatisfaction among children and many of such children may develop psychological problems in future. The social acceptance of the sexually exploited children would be lesser than that of the normal children. Such segregation often generates retribution in the minds of sexually exploited children. In extreme cases, it is quite possible that such children may expire psychopaths also. Child prostitution is prohibited in most of the countries by law however in round co untries child prostitution is perceived as a kind of custom or part of their culture. For example, at some parts of India, sexual exploitation of children has strong association with the culture and custom. According to some research, child prostitution is socially acceptable in some sections of Indian society through the practice of Devdasi. upstart girls are given to the gods and they become a religious prostitute (Child Prostitution in India). Another fixings which encourages child prostitution in India is the custom of child marriages. In India,

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